
List Building

How to add Maisie to Justuno

If you are already a Justuno customer and would like to continue to use Justuno’s popups on your site you are now able to add Maisie’s Subscribe to Messenger opt-in checkbox to your existing popups. This means you can give your website visitors a choice of subscribing for updates from you via email or Messenger or both.

To add Maisie to your Justuno popup follow the steps below.

1. Login to your Justuno account.

2. Select the Promotions tab on the top menu.

justuno setup step 2

3. Select the promotion you wish to use with Maisie and click the edit icon (a paintbrush).

justuno setup step 3

4. Select “Add Layer” from the left menu then select “FB Messenger”. Drag and drop the FB Messenger widget across to the main (preview) screen.

justuno setup step 4

5. Select Widget Preview then Integration type “Custom”. Go to your Maisie dashboard and copy and paste your Facebook App ID and Facebook Page ID into the relevant fields on the right menu.

justuno setup step 5

6. Scroll down in the right panel until you see “Edit Plugin Code”. Click the Edit Plugin Code button.

7. The Code Snippet Editor will popup.

justuno setup step 7

8. Replace the lines of code highlighted in the red box with the following code:

   if (localStorage['maisie_session_id'] === undefined) {
       localStorage['maisie_session_id'] = newGuid();
   var user_ref = localStorage['maisie_session_id'];
   return user_ref + '-' + Math.floor( / 1000).toString();

9. Click the “Update Snippet” button and save these promotion changes.

You’re all done. Make sure to check how it looks on your site and make any necessary modifications to the layout of your popup.

All website visitors who opt-in to receive Messenger updates via this popup will appear in your Maisie Subscriber list.